
What Will Your Verse Be?

Memories are like a strong dose of a drug you've ingested without knowing what the hell it was capable of. Just as I tripped the first time, I sit here now watching this beautiful sunset drape her gown over the city and the mood slowly sets in taking me over.

The first kiss of Limbo

I get my sketch book out and I go to town; my eyes ravishing the minor details, that yellow building with the half finished windows, dome far away with a ferris wheel next to it and like a drunken monkey who's found a slab of charcoal, I scribble away. It's not about getting the most intricately detailed sketch for see it all began as an alternative medicine for me to plug the holes in my soul and sit through couple minutes holding my breath still and not get lost to the thoughts in my head. It's not always a win, some days we fight real hard and go home happy with the fact we gave it all. Today's not that day.

It's not at all odd that I'm with at least hundred other people scrambled around the spot with their own sets of favorite humans watching this spectacle and thankfully I've got my own here.

Her HIGHness

My fingers settle in to the cold outside...they know the drill. I choose ‘imagination’ by CityOfTheSun to set my pace today. The song I picked is my slow dance move. If you'd like to follow me along, I'd suggest visualizing yourself suspended a few inches off the ground in a large meadow with no one around for miles and click the 'play' button - they are the stillness in your mind, the wings under that summer breeze and the silence warping your soul all combined.

Oh boy, you should see them play it live, they choose sometime midway between the show to play this very piece when the crowd has been yanked off their chairs and flung into a kaleidoscopic universe filled with stained glass and blessed with a thousand suns for company...or do they even play this live!? sometimes I'm so lost listening to and watching them play that I forget the beginning, end and everything that I was a part's all but the sweet rhythm of chaos plucking those guitar strings, striking those drums, caressing my senses like that first whiff of incense comatose your being as you enter a temple....and I'm there just happy to be alive!


The Sucker Punch 

And as I dive in, I think I strike a wrong string somewhere and the flood gates open. I'm struggling to fight back but I get pushed away by the memories of people I know for sure would have loved this sunset with me. Tell me if I'm the only one who loves watching the expressions of surprise or the discovery of pure awesomeness as they fall in love with the same ice-cream flavor as you or in this case, a serious case of a sunset over a city. Not a word is needed to be uttered, a wink or a crooked smile hanging from their open mouth, a soft moan or a cosmic gasp fleeing their souls - I've seen it, felt it and romanced those moments with select angels in my life; and I guard those close to my heart against my feeble memory.

Of the people my mind was flooded with, the one I know to go livid would be pranava and I know exactly how he'd react because I'm seeing that scene play out right in front of my eyes. And as any other memory would eventually be, it walks you down to misery. I end up missing him and Mr.Piroshky who was silent all along now nudges me to include Ms.Romanov as well in this memoir. 

He whispers to avoid any wandering ears...

"in the midst of cold sinking her teeth slowly into this city, as the sun creeps away into her sheets; I would have loved to steal the warmth from mi amor's fingers as she nestled into my arms and duly pay her back with sly kisses to the neck"

Thanks for shamelessly piggybacking my ride without any qualms and the free feels senor.

As I was saying, these memories <> people just happened to be the unsolicited flotsam in the stream that's now leaking through both our eyes. And yet, I smile through them happy to be here this very moment and having had the chance to witness something so eternally outlasting with my set of minions. They step out of their warm cocoons as well and we end up sharing a pack of smiles.

Sweet ol' Miseries

Now that I think about it, how weirdly beautiful is this connection with another human being? I pray not to wind up more in the weeds so I silently get back to my sketch which somehow managed to draw itself out in the meantime. Barcelona must have had enough of us so she yawns, stretches herself out and hits the night lights on. 


To beginnings without an end and to endings that never really had a beginning, here I am quoting one of my favorites...

"That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse.”

What will your verse be?