My Everest.

you're my everest in every way, 

how I could stare at you and always be in awe of your beauty replete with all your li’l imperfections, perfect storms and sunny smiles,

how the warmth inside you lay hidden under layers of snow only revealing ever so subtly to the lucky few who seek and not just see,

how you forever instill the fear of never being able to reach your precipitous expectations; 

how you always inspire me to be better, try harder, fail and still walk back up to you time and over again with hope that one day you'll be mine to conquer,

how I feel lucky enough to have witnessed a miracle in my arms however fleeting it might have been in what cannot be more than a paper napkin of a lifetime. 

how I hope to one day gather in my feeble heart, the guts to walk up to you and hold my breath still while I fumble not with words but tears in my eyes

and pray utter this incantation…

the wait

the wait

“there never was a shard of doubt from the moment I set my eyes on you that beyond my stretchy buck-toothed smiles, every li’l quake of excitement in my voice and gut stabbing pain I gleefully accept without a word; you were the only worthy adventure I would never set myself apart from”

— yours truly until I can gather words no more.